Sometimes, I forgot liking humans

2 min readJun 7, 2024


Human species are cute sometimes, but most of the time there’s this gut-wrenching disdain you have towards them. Junior Highschool ended and I signed up a slot to other school already. People can be draining, especially if you are with people who is far from your cup of tea but must be with them for the whole school year, will definitely cause you so much sorrow.

They unintentionally used your kindness, unintentionally offended you in some way, unintentionally, always saying ‘it’s not their intention’ but after doing it repeatedly. You’re just so used to it, you don’t have the gut to confront them for the nth time, also because of the thought that what’s going to change? You decided that after this school year, you’ll transfer to another school, which you don’t think has a lot of good, there’s a lot of people that I can encounter; they can be popular, entertaining, funny, or smart but this world is slowly lacking moral and ethical people.

Highschool is hard most of the times, these times will make me forget that I’m that kind of person who enthusiastically compliment a girl when her light pink dressed sparkle; always curious about that one old lady that’s always in front of a dentist clinic, get to have a conversation with strangers who would randomly ask where I get my coffee from or where do I bought my mini briefcase…

It was always when school is over when these happens, when I am not occupied by a lot of negative depressed and wasting time teenagers who only want to judge every inch of you, even your lockscreen, and making stories up to have some “thrills” in their boring life, and especially judge you when you don’t even know who they are, and they don’t even know you, but still they get to have this despise in everything you do which is for some reason normal in high school and teenagers that made you question your whole existence and this crap society you live in.


